College Students spending more on tech and wired

The recent Alloy Study mentions that:

“projected annual technology spending among college students (ages 18-30) has reached an all time high at $6.5 billion, ranking 3rd in overall discretionary spending for college students, just below food and auto.”

They also found that:

“Comparing platforms, the study found:

  • Students are spending twice as much time on their computers as compared to television viewing
  • 33% of 18-24 year old students have increased their consumption of webisodes or user-generated videos since last year, and 30% of 18-30 year olds report frequent video viewing on social networking sites
  • 61% of students are watching movies on computers vs. 76% on their television”

So while many older folks are spending more of their time online, and the overall trend is upwards, college age people are already spending most of their time online and on computer related tasks as opposed to hanging out and watching TV.

Now is the perfect time with flexible pricing available for marketers to try some new things to engage and build their audience. These trends will not revert.

I guess times have changed. We used to stay up lated to watch CHiPs rerums. Now I guess you could watch them online.

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